

Colt Group

La tabella sottostante riporta un elenco delle società operative del gruppo Colt (la cui capogruppo, Colt Group Holdings Limited, una società domiciliata in Inghilterea è una holding pura non operativa).

I clienti e i fornitori  di una delle società del gruppo Colt (o altra controparte giuridica di una di esse) potranno trovare gli estremi della  società con la quale hanno posto in essere rapporti contrattuali sul contratto stesso o sul modulo di ordinazione. Gli estremi delle  singole società interessate sono inoltre indicati sugli ordini di acquisto, le fatture, gli estratti conto e altra documentazione.

Codice di Condotta

Codice di Condotta Aziendale

Colt vanta un’eccellente reputazione agli occhi di clienti, dipendenti, azionisti e partner commerciali. Ognuno di noi deve assumersi la responsabilità di tutelare e migliorare tale reputazione. Ecco perché abbiamo concepito questo Codice deontologico aziendale, per far capire ai nostri dipendenti in che modo ognuno può contribuire. Il vostro aiuto è fondamentale per il successo globale dell’azienda.

Si prega di consultare attentamente il presente documento e firmare la dichiarazione allegata confermando di aver letto e compreso il Codice e il proprio impegno a rispettarlo. Il documento è rivolto a facilitare la comprensione degli elevati standard del codice deontologico secondo cui Colt opera quando svolge i propri affari affinché i dipendenti vi si attengano sempre. Il Codice tratta di un’ampia selezione di temi, fra cui ad es.: trattamento dei clienti, dei fornitori e dei dipendenti ed è mirato a garantire che le nostre attività non siano oggetto di conflitto d’interessi.

Codice di Condotta Aziendale

Codice di condotta del partner

Nella tabella Colt Group of Companies troverete i dettagli di ciascuna delle società commerciali all'interno del gruppo di società Colt (di cui l'ultima società madre è Colt Group Holdings Limited, una società con sede in inglese, che non è essa stessa una società commerciale. )

Se sei un cliente o fornitore di un membro del gruppo di società Colt (o hai un'altra forma di rapporto legale con un membro del gruppo), i dettagli della società precisa con cui godi di un rapporto contrattuale saranno indicati su il tuo particolare contratto o modulo d'ordine. È inoltre possibile trovare i dettagli della società appropriata sugli ordini di acquisto, fatture, estratti conto o altra documentazione pertinenti.

Scopri di più

Our supplier code of conduct

Colt is committed to the highest possible standard of corporate governance and responsibility. Our policy is not merely to comply with the letter of laws or regulations, but rather to instil and maintain a true culture of compliance wherever we do business. In consequence, Colt expects that all Suppliers will embrace the letter and spirit of its commitment to integrity.

This Supplier Code of Conduct incorporates the same standards of ethical conduct and integrity as the Colt internal Code of Business Conduct. Suppliers are requested to adhere to this Code and to remain mindful that their activities may have an influence on Colt’s reputation and relationship of trust with customers, employees and shareholders. We expect that the utmost of care is taken to protect Colt's reputation and relationships.

Read the full Supplier Code of Conduct here.

GPL - Our commitment

Before filing or continuing to prosecute any legal proceeding or claim (other than a Defensive Action) arising from termination of a Covered License, Colt commits to extend to the person or entity (“you”) accused of violating the Covered License the following provisions regarding cure and reinstatement, taken from GPL version 3. As used here, the term ‘this License’ refers to the specific Covered License being enforced.

However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.

Colt intends this Commitment to be irrevocable, and binding and enforceable against Colt and assignees of or successors to Colt’s copyrights.

Colt may modify this Commitment by publishing a new edition on this page or a successor location.

This work is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

  • ‘Covered License’ means the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 (LGPLv2.1), or the GNU Library General Public License, version 2 (LGPLv2), all as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  • ‘Defensive Action’ means a legal proceeding or claim that Colt brings against you in response to a prior proceeding or claim initiated by you or your affiliate.
  • ‘Colt’ means Colt and its subsidiaries.

Modern Slavery Act

This statement is made by Colt Group Holdings Limited as the ultimate parent company of the Colt Group of Companies, which includes all the companies named above.  At Colt, we are committed to running our business responsibly.  We strive to maintain the highest ethical principles and to respect human rights.  Our Code of Business Conduct sets out the overall standards and commitments towards ethical conduct, anti-corruption and legal compliance.  These standards extend to Colt’s suppliers, partners, agents, directors, employees and subcontractors.

Read our full Modern Slavery Act Statement here

Read Lumen EMEA's Modern Slavery Statement here

Our tax policy

This tax policy applies to Colt Group Holdings Ltd and its subsidiaries. The policy has been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

Colt provides high bandwidth network services, voice services and data centre services for enterprises and wholesale customers in Europe, Asia and North America’s largest business hubs. We enable the digital transformation of businesses through our intelligent, purpose‐built, cloud-integrated network, connecting over 900 data centres around the globe.

Colt takes its legal obligations seriously and is committed to the highest possible level of both legal and ethical standards. We fully comply with tax law in all the territories in which we operate, including the UK, and pay the right amount of tax, at the right time and in the right place. Nevertheless, Colt is a large organisation and it is inevitable that risks, including tax risks, will arise. As with any risk, we carefully manage tax risk including in respect of UK taxation through an established framework of systems, processes and controls which have been approved by the board of directors. This framework seeks to proactively identify and mitigate tax risk. Such risks are communicated to the board of directors who have ultimate responsibility for tax governance.

It is not the group’s policy to simply comply with the letter of the law, but also the spirit of the law and due consideration is given to protecting the group’s reputation and its brand. We will only undertake transactions that have a strong underlying commercial rationale; we do not undertake transactions that are artificial or contrived or that are designed to avoid taxation. All transactions between legal entities of the Colt group are conducted on an arm’s length basis.

Colt is a large and dynamic organisation and operates against a background of rapidly evolving tax law. We seek to minimise tax risk and we seek professional advice where necessary and apply for tax rulings where the interpretation of tax law is unclear.

We engage with tax authorities, including HM Revenue & Customs, with openness and transparency including full disclosure of all relevant facts. Colt believes in engaging with tax authorities in a proactive discussion to resolve disputes but we will consider litigation where we disagree with a tax authority on a point of law or a matter of interpretation.

Colt regards the publication of this policy as complying with our duty under para 16(2), Sch 19 FA16 for the year ended 31 December 2020

Condizioni di Utilizzo

Section 172 statement

Please read our Section 172 Statement here.

Informativa Privacy

Colt offre servizi di rete e comunicazione di primo livello ad aziende e clienti grossisti nei maggiori hub commerciali in Europa, Asia e America del Nord. Colt favorisce la trasformazione digitale delle aziende attraverso la sua rete intelligente, specifica e integrata su cloud, conosciuta come Colt IQ Network.

Informativa Privacy

Regolamento Europeo in Materia di Protezione dei Dati Personali (RGPD)

Earthworks notifications

With effect from 1st June 2019, Notification of Earthworks to Licensee must comply and refer to The Info-Communications Media Development Authority - IMDA’s directive on full earthworks requirement. This document sets out the minimum requirements of Colt Technology Service Pte Ltd (the Licensee) that must be complied with by Earthworks Contractors for the purposes of Section 29(3)(a) of the Telecoms Act ("Licensee's Earthworks Requirements").

The objective is to prevent damages to the underground telecommunication cables which cause disruption to telecommunication services by earthwork contractors.

View or download earthworks notification

Regulatory surcharges

Colt has levied a one-off Regulatory Surcharge on customers of its network services in September 2015. This is a contribution to the significant investment we have made to comply with new obligations and regulations implemented on a national and European level recently. The most significant example is the 2011 EU Directive on ‘Security and Integrity of Electronic Communications’.

The Directive requires national regulatory authorities to take measures to ensure that ‘providers take appropriate security measures to protect the security of networks and services’, and that ‘providers report incidents with significant impact on networks and services’. For more detail, please see the following document by The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (‘ENISA’).

Since the EU Directive was implemented into national legislation, national regulatory authorities have been working to develop their own frameworks and processes to ensure compliance, in line with EU law. Different countries have developed their own approaches.

Therefore, Colt has embarked on a major programme of investment to develop, review, monitor and document its systems and operational procedures to the standard required to ensure compliance.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss this charge.

What a supplier should expect of us

If you are considering applying to Colt to be a Supplier/Vendor, here is what you should expect from Colt during the onboarding process.

If appropriate, Colt will engage with you, and as part of the process, Colt will ask you to:

  • Sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
  • Self register in our supplier management system
  • Sign a copy of the Colt Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Complete a Risk Questionnaire via our Vendor Risk Management portal
  • Complete a Supplier information form - providing details such as Company Address, Company Registration Number, Bank Details and VAT Number
  • Sign appropriate contractual documents

Colt will never request a processing or administrative fee from any potential or current supplier, as part of tendering or on-boarding.  If you have any concerns about a payment request from anyone acting for or on behalf of Colt, please immediately alert this to the [email protected], or use the whistleblowing hotline (details available at the end of the Code of Conduct).

Country-specific information

Given the Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 2016, containing the Consumer Code and, in particular, the art. 64 (Telephone communication), paragraph 1, which states that "If the professional uses a telephone line in order to be contacted by the consumer by telephone regarding the contract concluded, the consumer is not required to pay more than the basic rate when contacting the professional, without prejudice to the right of electronic communication service providers to apply a fee for such telephone calls”, it is absolutely forbidden to use the numbering ranges 848, 179 and 199 of Colt Technology Services to offer to the public a post-sales assistance service in Italy.

Geographic termination rates

Operator Cent per minute (ex VAT) Effective from
Peak Off peak Weekend
Colt 0.057 0.057 0.057 01/01/2020
Colt 0.051 0.051 0.051 01/01/2021

Universal access termination rates

Operator Cent per minute (ex VAT) Effective from
Peak Off peak Weekend
Colt 0.057 0.057 0.057 01/05/2020
Colt 0.051 0.051 0.051 04/01/2021

076 VoIP Termination Charges

Operator Cent per minute (ex VAT) Effective from
Peak Off peak Weekend
Colt 0.057 0.057 0.057 01/01/2020
Colt 0.051 0.051 0.051 01/01/2021

Condições técnicas e comerciais para terminação de tráfego de voz na rede fixa da Colt

Na sequência da publicação da Decisão da ANACOM, de 28 de setembro de 2018, referente à análise dos mercados grossistas de terminação de chamadas em redes telefónicas públicas num local fixo, vem a Colt Technology Services, Unipessoal Lda. (“COLT”), por este meio, publicar as condições técnicas e comerciais para terminação de tráfego de voz na sua rede fixa que entram em vigor às 00.00h do dia 23 de outubro de 2018.

Atualmente a COLT possui meios técnicos de comutação de chamadas de voz em dois locais:

  • Carnaxide, em Lisboa
  • Porto

A arquitetura de comutação de voz da COLT é a seguinte:

  • Na Carnaxide existem comutador TDM
  • Em Porto não existem switches TDM, mais existe um POP que permite à COLT na interligação com outros operadores.
  • Todos os comutadores VoIP da COLT têm recursos tecnológicos para interligação SIP
  • Para interligações IP, os Sesion Border Controllers - SBCs - da COLT estão situados fora de Portugal (Frankfurt e Paris).
  • Os SBCs da COLT poem operar interligações de VoIP porque na rede de transporte IP própria da COLT totalmente redundada tens capacidade de transmissão superiores a 1Gig Links.

A Colt dispõe duma rede IP Pan-europeia que permite na otimização de recursos. É por isso que os SBCs da COLT estão situados fora de Portugal. Estando a arquitetura VoIP nacional com a MEO definida, a migração desta interligação será concretizada nos termos da decisão da ANACOM sobre a matéria.

A tabela seguinte identifica os comutadores atualmente disponíveis na rede da COLT, indicando o tipo de comutador, PGIs e o tipo de interligação suportada.







60326 Frankfurt


Estrada da Outurela, 118 –

Parque Holanda, Edifício B1

2790-114 Carnaxide, Portugal



Rue Pierre Valette, 23

92240 Paris

IBM Porto

Rua Gonzalo Sampaio

4150-030 Porto

O tarifário a aplicar na terminação de chamadas será independente do ponto de entrega (PGI) e do cliente recetor, quer este tenha numeração geográfica ou nómada, de acordo com a seguinte tabela:

Origem do tráfego

Preço em cêntimos de Euro por minuto

Período de aplicação

Nacional* e Espaço Económico Europeu


A partir das 00:00 de 23/10/2018

Restantes países e trafego sem CLI, CLI inválido ou manipulado


A partir das 00:00 de 23/10/2018

Customers right for a temporary contract suspension under the COVID-19 pandemic

In compliance with the Law 29/2021, of 20 May, referring to the exceptional suspension of essential service contracts in the context of the COVID -19 pandemic, you can use the following templates approved by ANACOM to notify your request of suspension, any time you comply with the requirements set up in the mentioned Law 29/2021.

Direito dos consumidores à Suspensão excecional de contratos de serviços essenciais no contexto da pandemia COVID -19

No cumprimento da Lei 29/2021, de 20 de maio, relativa à suspensão excecional de contratos de serviços essenciais no contexto da pandemia COVID -19, pode utilizar os seguintes modelos aprovados pela ANACOM para notificar o seu pedido de suspensão, sempre que cumprir o os requisitos estabelecidos na citada Lei 29/2021.

Requerimento de suspensão temporária de contratos_Colt

Requerimento de suspensão temporária de contrato (exemplo 1)

Requerimento de suspensão temporária de contrato (exemplo 2)