DAN (Disability Accessibility Network) aims to raise awareness of visible and invisible disabilities and health conditions, embrace people’s differences and champion inclusion across Colt.

“Being part of DAN has been a real eye-opener, you think there is only one way to look at things until someone shows you how to look at them through a different lens.”
Mathilde Geay,
Junior Project Manager, HR

"I am a parent to a disabled son, so being in the DAN group means I feel I can offer a unique perspective on removing barriers, raising awareness and helping others overcome challenges."
Lesa Molinari
Global Talent Acquisition & Projects

Raising awareness
DAN arranges events with both internal and external speakers to discuss a range of issues impacting Colties in the workplace and their day-to-day lives. To promote positive role models, our members have featured in Humans of Colt and The Full Picture podcast to explore what it means to have a disability and how we can change our perceptions.

Accessibility matters
Accessibility means that regardless of disability or long-term health conditions, all of our employees can contribute, thrive and have a fair chance to develop and progress. To help with this, we’ve created an accessibility toolkit including a selection of tools and recommendations on Microsoft Office 365.

Creating partnerships
Collaboration within Colt and with external networks, such as the Business Disability Forum and disability charity, Leonard Cheshire, is a key focus for us. We're constantly reviewing and exploring other partnerships that support our aims and help to increase disability confidence.
Our initiatives:

Learning from our partner, Microsoft
We continue to strengthen our inclusion agenda by working with others. One example is our technology partner, Microsoft, where we have taken inspiration from their global inclusion agenda and focus on accessibility. Learning from our partners has helped us to embrace different ways to approach accessibility and disability inclusion.
Busting myths around neurodiversity
Over the past few years, neurodiversity has emerged as an important element to consider in inclusion strategies, but what do we mean when we talk about neurodiversity? And how can we cater to our non-neurotypical colleagues? In this episode, we break down misconceptions around neurodiversity and reshape it as a superpower. Find out more...