Colt On Demand visuals and messaging
At Colt, we have a clear focus on providing an industry leading customer experience. Our philosophy is consumption based by design – use what you need, when you need it and pay for what you use.
Colt On Demand is cutting-edge digital infrastructure that delivers access in minutes to a global fibre network, cloud providers and leading-edge applications.
These guidelines are here to help you to bring the Colt On Demand experience to life through a clear and consistent visual identity and messaging.
If you have any questions about Colt On Demand please contact Josh De Souza.
If you, or a supplier, need access to our brand assets, please click here. If you do not know the password and would like to request access, please contact Hannah Davies or Raquel Morrison.
The Colt Brand Team
Colt On Demand name and capability
When we talk about our product or service we use the full name Colt On Demand (including the Colt company name). When we talk about on-demand capability we do not have to use the company name but we do hyphenate.
When referring to the Colt On Demand product we capitalise the first letters of each word. When we talk about on-demand capability, we don’t capitalise.
The Colt On Demand mark
How we use our mark
We’ve developed a simple mark that we use across all Colt On Demand content and portals to build identity and clearly signpost which products and services are available on-demand.
It's important that this is used consistently across all Colt On Demand communication materials. There's both a full mark and a sub mark. Depending on the space available please consider which works best for legibility. The mark in full can replace the Colt logo and should not sit adjacent to the Colt logo.
- Use primarily the full colour option on a white background
- The full black option should be used when the full colour cannot be used, for example in black and white printing
- If the mark is placed on imagery, ensure that it’s clear with a good contrast to the background and away from busy background areas of the image
- Artworks of all versions have been created and can be found in the brand asset file
When the full mark is reduced down to where the text is no longer legible, please use the submark (graphic only). The submark follows all of the guidelines of the full Colt On Demand mark.
Clear space
Please keep the space above, below and adjacent to the On Demand mark clear of other graphic elements, images and document edges. This allows it to be read clearly without confusion.
When using on a portal, it’s placed in the top-left corner
What not to do
As a general rule of thumb, if you don't see an example within this brand book, it's probably not allowed. Please don't…
- Redraw, retype or source the mark online
- Rotate or flip it
- Reorder / move the letters
- Stretch or distort it
- Recolour / use non-brand colours
- Add additional effects
The Colt On Demand portal has further requirements beyond our core brand palette. These can only be used for this portal and not in any other content or collateral.
Primary colours
Colt Teal
Pantone 3265
CMYK 70 0 40 0
RGB 0 215 189
Colt Ash
Pantone n/a
CMYK 0 0 0 5
RGB 245 245 245
Pantone n/a
CMYK 0 0 0 0
RGB 255 255 255
HEX #ffffff
Type colours
Colt Teal
Pantone 3265
CMYK 70 0 40 0
RGB 0 215 189
Colt Charcoal
Pantone 432
CMYK 15 15 15 75
RGB 72 74 71
HEX #484A47
Colt Blue
Pantone 2727
CMYK 85 24 0 0
RGB 0 153 255
HEX #0099FF
CTA colours
Colt Purple
Pantone 2607
CMYK 83 99 0 2
RGB 80 0 145
HEX #50009B
Colt Blue
Pantone 2727
CMYK 85 24 0 0
RGB 0 153 255
HEX #0099FF
Status colours
The Colt On Demand portal has further requirements beyond our core brand palette due to needing status indicators. Below you can see colours aligned to specific status.
These colours are only to be used for signposting status on this portal and should not be used on any other content or collateral.
In progress/live
HEX #99CC70
HEX #1175BC
Alert / error
HEX #D41944
HEX #F5795B
Colt On Demand is our SDN-enabled self-service platform that provides real time connectivity between data centers, enterprise buildings and cloud service providers in Europe and Asia Pacific and North America via the Colt IQ network.
Our messaging document is password protected and can be viewed in the brand asset files.
Brand assets
In our brand asset files section you will find download options for our assets, icons, tone of voice guidelines etc. This section is reserved for agencies and partners, and so is password protected. To view it please follow the link below and enter the password when prompted.
If you have forgotten the password, or would like to request access, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].
Have a question?
Have a question about something not mentioned in any of our brand guidelines? Send us a question via email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.