Are you thinking the right way about using mobile and cloud?

Published by Make Do on September 26, 2013

According to a recent article, the integration of cloud-based IT and mobile, could allow SMEs to expand their global reach. The danger is that a business might rush into spending money on an IT approach that doesn’t do the job it should.

The opportunity is a big one. Given that many SMEs now sell their business online, having a global presence is required, rather than just an option. With this in mind many SMEs will need sales staff to work further away from home in order to land business, and they’ll often be supported with mobile devices (phone, tablet, laptop). This will allow them to use apps and store data within a Cloud space that is shared with their home office.

It is important though to know that data usage laws within countries vary. Your data security needs to meet minimum standards and your team’s devices need to be able to handle this. This means that you need to check that they are regularly backing-up and are able to access data quickly.

SMEs need to make sure that they do not overreach too quickly when it comes to using cloud and mobile together. Focus on what is possible within your home country and think how it could be applied in other countries. Consider the best ways in which your current IT could join with a new solution for the best overall approach.

The opportunity for SMEs to ‘think global’ is huge. Mobile will no doubt enable SMEs to do this and help them grow within international markets. What other ways should SMEs be using tech in order to grow across the world? Please leave a comment below if you have something to suggest.

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