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Resetting the password or passcode for a portal user

As a Voice Feature Management portal administrator, you can change the portal password and voice portal passcode for any user in your organization.

To reset the password or passcode for a Voice Feature Management portal user:

Voice Feature Management portal login page

When you log in as an administrator, the Voice Feature Management portal displays the Site Info page (find it again later under the Group Profile tab).

Group profile tab (showing Site Info)
  1. Click the Manage Users tab.

    The Voice Feature Management portal displays your list of users.
Manage Users tab (showing Profile)
  1. Find the user whose password you want to reset (use Search if you don't see them on your list), then double-click the row to view their calling features.
  1. Click Profile in the left column.
  1. Click Change Password.
  1. Do one of the following to change the user’s web portal password or their Voice Feature Management portal passcode:

    • To select create a password yourself, type a password in both the User Password and Re-type Password fields.

    • To have the Voice Feature Management portal create a password for you, click Generate.
  1. Click Save.
  1. Click Show/Hide password to display or hide the new password or passcode.
  1. Provide the new password/passcode to the user according to your organization’s security protocols.

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