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Using Control Center, you can create an Object Tier tenant to give a group of users access to the same set of Object Tier buckets for Colt® Network Storage.
A tenant is a group of users to which a common set of access rules can be applied. All users under a tenant have access to the same set of object storage buckets. Configuring access controls at the object level is not supported at this time. There is no limit to the number of tenants you can create. Each tenant must have at least one user defined.
After you create a tenant and add a user to the tenant, you can also use an S3 browser to create buckets for storing files (in addition to creating buckets using Control Center).
Note: A tenant can only exist in a single region. Give your tenant a unique name (e.g., FASTBIKES-BACKUPS). Avoid common names, as a new tenant cannot be created that duplicates an existing name in a given region.
To create an Object Tier tenant for Network Storage:
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