Colt help
We strive to make it easy to do business with us and to provide secure, reliable connections when, where, and how you need them. We aim to provide steady, dependable service. When you do encounter an issue, here is what you can do to help us get you back up and running.
Here’s what we’ll need from you:
Open a repair ticket or reason for outage (RFO) request using Control Center or by calling the Repair Center and following the prompts for the correct product. After creating a repair ticket, we give you a ticket number so you can track progress. You can get updates by doing on the of the following:
Here’s what we’ll need from you:
You can report a chronic problem (usually considered three or more tickets within 45 days) by contacting us. Chronic reports should be focused on the history of a single circuit ID, PIID, or service ID. Colt handles chronic tickets differently than repair tickets and you should expect a more thorough and lengthy process to analyze the issue. If you have an urgent service outages, submit a repair ticket as well as a chronic ticket.
Here’s what we’ll need from you:
Use Control Center to track upcoming scheduled maintenance that may affect your services. You can also request additional information about a maintenance event using Control Center—including requesting Colt reschedule the event.
Send your question or request about any Colt scheduled maintenance to Change Management with the GCR number and required support details. You will receive a reply with a ticket number as verification of the request.
You can track progress using the same steps in Opening and monitoring repair tickets (above) or by accessing Control Center. Common support tasks include confirming the expected impact of maintenance, requesting the reschedule of maintenance, or requesting special handling during planned service affecting work. Standard service affecting maintenance notification window is seven days.
If you need additional details about our operational procedures, review the customer handbook. You can also access Control Center or you can contact your customer care manager (CCM) or account director for help.
If you don’t know the circuit ID, contact your CCM or account director.
Colt explains the reason for an outage (RFO) when every ticket is closed. Verbal RFOs are available immediately and provide a brief summary explaining the cause uncovered during troubleshooting. Written RFOs are provided on Colt letterhead and include the same information as a verbal RFO, plus an executive summary and the impact time estimate. Upon request, a timeline of events is also available. A written RFO will be provided within approximately 3–5 business days of the time you request it and the repair ticket is resolved and closed.