What we’re doing to support our people during the Coronavirus pandemic
Published by Melanie Halsey on March 29, 2021
As our CEO recently wrote, these are unprecedented and uncertain times.
Like many businesses, there is not one of our locations or colleagues that are not being affected by Coronavirus and the measures its outbreak is forcing us all to take.
We know that our people are our most vital asset, and for the past few weeks as this situation has changed and evolved – protecting and supporting them has been at the heart of every decision we have made.
Last Friday we had our second all company conference call on this situation to share some of the measures that we are putting in place to support them during this time. Our people have been working round the clock to ensure our customers are prepared for the challenges they are facing, and we as a leadership team, wanted to do the same for our people. As part of this, we shared the commitments we are making to our more than 5000 strong workforce.
Sick pay
We’re guaranteeing a minimum of 90 days fully paid sick leave for any colleagues who contract Covid-19.
Annual leave
We’re extending the period to take any unused annual leave, which usually expires in the coming months.
Safe work allowance
We’ll reimburse our people up to €200 (or local equivalent), so they can provide themselves with a safe and comfortable home working environment.
Special assistance fund
We’re setting aside €250,000 to help employees who may experience financial hardship over this period.
These are measures we are proud to offer because we know that we are in a privileged position as a company able to do this. As the situation is changing, we will keep assessing these measures to see if there’s more we can do.
We will also be looking for opportunities for how, as a company, we can support wider initiatives for others struggling right now.
This is not going to be a short period of uncertainty, and we owe it to our people and the community we serve to keep doing all that we can for them. We are of course going to monitor this situation closely, and keep all our people informed because we know now more than ever #Connectivity Matters.
Melanie Halsey – Executive Vice President of Human Resources
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