Our Privacy Goals & Global Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Hub

A picture representing connections in between locations, mapped over a city


The purpose of data privacy and protection is to safeguard and protect, in the context of personal data processing, the public freedoms and fundamental rights of natural persons, especially their reputation and personal privacy. Its objective is to regulate personal data processing, irrespective of the format in which the data is processed, the rights of data subjects and the obligations of data processors and controllers.

Fundemental Principles

Colt must safeguard the security and integrity of personal data for which it is responsible. This includes personal data which it processes directly (Colt as a data controller), through the provision of services by third parties (as data processors to Colt) or as a provider of services (Colt as a data processor) to a third party.

In all cases, whether Colt acts as a data controller or processor, the personal data must be processed in compliance with the required legal and contractual obligations and guarantees.

The applicable data protection regulation directly affects the operations of Colt, as personal data is processed in its day-to-day activity. When processing this data, certain principles and measures must be fulfilled. These principles are as follows:

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