Colt completes latest ultra-fast 400GbE network, helping customers to reduce carbon emissions and drive down cost

Colt continues to deliver its Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) ultra-fast digital infrastructure services with speeds up to 800GbE, reinforcing its position as a leader in global digital infrastructure services. The latest of the services to be rolled out – a 400GbE solution for a customer in Europe – accelerates the delivery of digital services including cloud capabilities, AI and machine learning applications for Colt’s customers and partners.

The solution was designed using long-reach optics in the last mile for a secure sustainable network with lower carbon emissions and reduced overheads. Long-reach optics refers to a fibre optic cable solution which uses advanced networking technologies to guarantee high-performance, high capacity and enhanced reach particularly in the last mile of network connectivity.

Colt pioneered the 400GbE capable network in 2021 to meet rising demand from customers and partners. Since then, global network traffic volumes have increased exponentially, fuelling further investment and innovation in infrastructure technology. According to IDC, global data traffic – incorporating fixed and mobile – increased by 16% in 2023, and is expected to generate CAGR of 13.7% from 2022 to 2027. Colt’s sustainable digital infrastructure is futureproofed to deliver customer services up to 800GbE for its customers and partners as they balance growth in bandwidth requirements with their targets to reduce emissions.

Businesses need access to fast, reliable digital infrastructure to compete, connect and collaborate. Colt has one of the most expansive business-to-business fibre networks in the world, so plays a key role in its customers’ growth journeys.

With its infrastructure sustainable by design, Colt integrates specific measures, features and capabilities into its network architecture so that customers and partners benefit from innovative, powerful next-generation network design with minimal environmental impact. These measures include reducing Scope 3 emissions; using sustainable energy resources and promoting circular economy principles.

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