How to connect the Internet of Things

All over the world, cities are growing at unprecedented scale and this brings a new set of challenges; from space management to mobility, resources, public safety and wellbeing, inclusiveness, employability and of course connectivity.

Technology has been touted as the solution to many of these challenges, and the good news is that mobile apps and networks of sensors are becoming a reality and can capture and analyse data to see how a city lives and breathes.

With this in mind it’s not surprising that there are no shortage of stats or hype around the Internet of Things (IOT), one of the more striking is from the GSMA who forecast that there will be more than 25 billion IOT connections by 2025. Each of these new devices will need to be connected and each will generate data that needs to be processed and stored.

The networks that support these devices needs to look very different from the networks of today. Whether it’s in managing the volume of data, moving processing and intelligence towards the edge of networks to help cope, or the security implications that need to be considered, building a network for IOT devices is not something to be taken lightly.

Businesses looking at taking advantage of the IOT need to address three key questions:

  • What data will the devices generate and how does the data get from the device to the aggregation point?
  • From the aggregation point, what happens to it and where?
  • How many different parties are involved at each stage of this journey? And can they all guarantee data security?

Together with Cisco we’ve put together a new white paper that looks at the networks needed to support new IOT devices and how to address these three questions. You can download a copy here.

Aaron Partouche is Business Development Director – 5G & Edge at Colt

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