My little brother is 12 years younger than me and over the last year or so, he’s been saying to me that I’m the father he’s never had. That makes me feel really proud. We grew up in Enna, in Sicily, and it was a difficult childhood – we grew up without a father, so that was the role that I had to step into, I had to be a parent to my brother.
I moved to Barcelona in 2009 because I was offered a job at Colt, and my brother moved here about a year ago now, so we see each other quite regularly. I’ve been mentoring and coaching him over the past few years – for a while he was going through a rough time, but now everything’s changed. He works in Customer Experience like me and his NPS is 10, 10, 10 every time, and he says he owes that to my teachings.
Daniela Sorriso | Customer Experience | Barcelona