The Agility Checker Results
Speed of implementing technology
This reflects the importance that CIOs give to incorporating new technologies for IT excellence and the speed at which they can innovate.
Digital transformation (DX) progress
DX excellence is a key competitive strength, and this area assesses how CIO’s see their role in DX and their closeness to CEOs to drive strategic initiatives.
Customer centricity
This area looks at how CIOs prioritise excellent digital customer experiences and their flexibility in delivering this to customers. Our research found customer experience (CX) programmes are still more often owned by CMOs, even though 91% of CIOs rate customer centricity as an important initiative to them. This dated perspective needs to be addressed in 2022 and beyond.
Ecosystem adaptiveness
This includes how vital partnerships and ecosystems are to overall IT success as well as how adaptable CIOs are towards their partners. A strong ecosystem of partners helps you to access new technologies quicker and move further along in the DX and CX journey.
Ease to drive tech for good
This revolves around the agenda for technology beyond digital transformation and how CIOs rate themselves when pursuing this agenda. Some of the key items here are sustainability, employee morale, data privacy, governance, and value to stakeholders.
Now you know your agility score, dive into the report to find out how to close your ambition gaps