Our brand
Get the most from our brand with guidelines for applications, photography and general use.

Our brand is unique and stands out from the crowd. The personality and people behind the brand brings it to life. These guidelines show a vibrant and dynamic brand going forward and are here to help you deliver clear and consistent communications, remember, keep it:
Keep it minimal, avoid overusing elements or the amount of content in communications
We're friendly, knowledgeable and brave in our tone of voice and we communicate like humans, not robots.
Use our bright, fresh colour palette, plenty of white space, and authentic imagery.
If you, or a supplier, need access to our brand assets, please click the button below. If you do not know this password and would like to request access, please contact Hannah Davies.
If you’re not sure or have any questions, you can always get in touch with us directly, by contacting:

Hannah Davies
Brand Marketing Manager
Our brand
Our vision & purpose
Having a consistent brand helps us to bring every element of our DNA together, driving our purpose and getting us closer to achieving our vision.
Our vision:
To be the digital infrastructure company that the world’s leading businesses choose to connect with.
Our purpose:
We put the power of the digital universe in the hands of our customers wherever, whenever and however they want.
Our values
We have a common set of values at the heart of how we do business.

We know people matter
Whether it’s a customer, a partner, or an employee, we build relationships based on trust, honesty, respect, and integrity. We value diversity and strive to be more inclusive so everyone has the freedom to speak up, be heard and thrive.

We always find a better way
By staying one step ahead we empower our customers to succeed through the power of connectivity. We’re swift to adapt and take responsibility for the promises we make.

We win together
We believe in the power of many and stand shoulder to shoulder with customers, partners and colleagues collaborating on ideas, sharing risks and recognition among all. When we make a decision we understand it’s impact, and rally behind the decision to make it a success.

We can change the world
We want to make the world a better place. Better connected, more sustainable, fairer for all. We use what we have – passion, technology, and connectivity – to create good.
Our tagline
Using our 'extraordinary connections' tagline
Extraordinary connections means that together we are so much more than the sum of our parts. It's about coming together to win, innovate, lead and make progress. It’s about the connections of our network, the human connection this enables, and the close partner and customer connections we create.
Do - keep “extraordinary connections” together:
When using the tagline by itself, or in copy, please keep both words together
Don't - overuse extraordinary as a descriptor:
Extraordinary isn't a word to describe everything we’re talking about positively e.g. our customers, ourselves, our products. Examples to avoid:
Do - use our tagline as a hashtag
Hashtags are a great way to get people talking. Use #ExtraordinaryConnections in all your social posts about Colt and the work you're doing. Use the hashtag as a sign-off and to encourage people to continue the conversation. Please make sure that the first letter of words in hashtags are capitalised, which makes them easier to read, and screen readers can identify the separate words.
Do - follow the Colt brand capitalisation rules
You can find our capitalisation rules here. The only time we capitalise both Extraordinary and Connections is when we are using the hashtag.
Logo use
The Colt logo
It's important that the Colt logo is reproduced consistently across all Colt communication materials. The logo should not be altered in any way and legibility of the logo should always be ensured.
Colt is a monolithic brand which means that the same logo is used across all our products and services. Additional logos should not be created. Where we currently have additional logos, they should not be used to replace or sit adjacent to the Colt logo. Never create a new logo for a team, project or product. It dilutes our brand and causes confusion.
Typical uses of our logo are:
- Our logo is primarily used with the Colt Teal on a White background
- The Colt Black logo should be used when the Colt Teal logo cannot be used, for example in black and white printing
- If the logo is placed on imagery, ensure that the logo is clear with a good contrast to the background and away from busy background areas of the image
- The Colt logo works reversed out with the Colt Teal and all our supporting colours, but ensure legibility is suitable for the intended application(s)
- The Colt logo can be used in teal, black and white only
Artworks of all versions have been created for both print (CMYK) and screen (RGB) use.

Alt text for accessibility
Alt = "Colt"
Alternative text for the Colt logo should be written as the name of the brand. The screen reader will already announce that it's a logo.
Clear space
Please keep the space above, below and adjacent to the logo clear of other graphic elements, images and document edges. This allows the logo to be read clearly without confusion.
The amount of clear space is equal to the size of the 'o' in the logo.
Position, print
When designing for print our logo should be on the top left or right corner of the page. If required the logo can also be placed on the bottom left or right corner.
Position, digital
When designing for digital, our logo is placed in the top-left corner.
What not to do
As a general rule of thumb, if you don't see an example within this brand book, it's probably not allowed. Please don't…
- Redraw, retype or source our logo online
- Rotate or flip the logo
- Reorder / move the letters
- Stretch or distort our logo
- Recolour / use non-brand colours
- Add additional effects to our logo
- Create a new logo using the Colt logo for a team, project or product
Colt IQ Network
The Colt IQ Network is a unique asset with its own brand name to identify our owned fibre network.
When using the Colt IQ Network graphic or in text, you must use the full name - you should never refer to it as 'Colt IQ' or 'IQ Net'. Use title case for the Colt IQ Network in written text.
01 On white background
.PNG | .EPS | .JPG
02 Monochrome
.PNG | .EPS | .JPG
Use of graphic
The Colt IQ Network graphic has been produced in two variations. Depending on the space available please consider which graphic works best in the space provided. This should not replace Colt's logo and should not sit adjacent to the Colt logo. However, it can be placed on the same page.

Alt text for accessibility
Alt = "Colt IQ Network "
Alternative text for the Colt IQ Network logo should be written with a space between the I and Q. The assistive technology will pronounce them separately.
Colt On Demand
Please see guidelines for our Colt On Demand mark here: https://www.colt.net/brand/on-demand/
Lockups & partner logo sizing
Using the Colt logo with other logos is simple, but there are a few steps to follow, shown on this page.
If you need a new lockup created, please contact the Brand Team.
The partner logo should look the same size as our logo.
A tall thin logo would be shrunk until its height or overall visual footprint is the same as our logo.
Similarly a short, wide logo would be shrunk until its width is the same as our logo.
Our fonts
Non-digital platforms
Gotham is our primary design font, to be used across all Colt communication and marketing materials, with the exception of websites.
Websites & applications
Montserrat is our webfont, an open source, free to use font. This should be used on all external-facing websites.
Where Montserrat is unavailable, or if you need a backup, please use Open Sans as an alternative, which is also an open source, free to use font.
For Japanese font alternatives, please use Meiryo UI.
System Fonts (Microsoft & Adobe)
When a system font is required – for example in email, or Powerpoint and Word documents sent to clients and partners – then Arial should be used.
Please note that the use of Arial is only licenced to Colt when using Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat platforms. For all else, please refer to the above "Websites & applications" section.
Typography in use and hierarchy
Our primary font, Gotham, is recommended in four weights: Light, Book, Medium and Bold.
To create a consistent experience for the reader use:
- Light — for print. In some instances, it can be used for large text or headings, but for accessibility reasons it shouldn't be smaller than 18pt.
- Book — for body copy
- Medium — for sub-headings
- Bold — for main headings
When using our fonts, ensure there is a clear hierarchy to help the reader navigate communications.
Do not add any effects to the text, such as glow or drop shadow.

Typography, in use
When using Gotham, stick to the same sizes and style to create a consistent experience for the reader. Do not add any effects to the text, such as glow or drop shadow.
Headings weight 01
Gotham light
Lorem ipsum dolor
Headings weight 01
Gotham medium
Lorem ipsum dolor
Headings weight 01
Gotham bold
Lorem ipsum dolor
Below are a few font pairings and layouts that follow this advice:
Text pairing 01
light + medium
Gotham light. Colt leads the way in enabling your digital transformation through agile and on demand, high bandwidth solutions.
Gotham medium. Colt leads the way in enabling your digital transformation through agile and on demand, high bandwidth solutions.
Text pairing 02
medium + bold
Gotham medium. Colt leads the way in enabling your digital transformation through agile and on demand, high bandwidth solutions.
Gotham bold. Colt leads the way in enabling your digital transformation through agile and on demand, high bandwidth solutions.
Text style
When writing copy, there are a number of style rules that should be adhered to, we've detailed and illustrated each of these rules:
Use sentence case for titles and headings
Do not place a full stop after headings and bulletpoints
Please use correct bullet points
Typography colour
When using standard body/paragraph text, please use black for legibility. While you are free to use the Colt Teal for headings or other areas where text is larger/heavier, please consider accessibility & readability. A much easier alternative for Web, as used in this guide, is Colt Charcoal.
It’s important not to use bright colours on top of other bright colours in light or regular font weights, as these will be too hard to read. Large text such as headings or bold typography may be easier to read.
Do not use white text on any colour background when the font is 11pt or below or a regular or light weight
Here are some colour combinations that are not allowed when the font is size 11pt or below, or a regular or light weight.

To improve readability, hyperlinks must not be used in the Colt Teal. Instead, please use Colt Purple for online sites or pages and offline documents, including emails, word documents and PowerPoint. You can check the colour codes below.
Primary colours
We have refreshed our primary colour to be bolder and more vibrant, it should be used alongside plenty of white space.
Colt Teal should always be included in communications in some way, whether that is in the logo, graphics or typography, especially when using any of the supporting colours – we are, after all, known for our Teal.
Colt Teal
Pantone 3265
CMYK 70 0 40 0
RGB 0 215 189
Pantone n/a
CMYK 0 0 0 0
RGB 255 255 255
HEX #ffffff
Secondary colours
Our supporting colour palette is for use in the stream graphic (as detailed in the next section), text, tables, diagrams, charts, and other information design.
These colours should always support the primary Colt Teal.
Think about accessibility and colour contrast when using text. It’s important not to use bright colours on top of other bright colours in light or regular font weights, as these will be too hard to read. Large text such as headings or bold typography may be easier to read. Find out more in the typography guidelines.
Colt Blue
Pantone 2727
CMYK 85 24 0 0
RGB 0 153 255
HEX #0099FF
Colt Purple
Pantone 2607
CMYK 83 99 0 2
RGB 80 0 145
HEX #50009B
Colt Yellow
Pantone 7549
CMYK 0 24 100 0
RGB 255 196 61
Colt Pink
Pantone 2040
CMYK 0 95 45 0
RGB 239 71 111
Colt Dusk
Pantone 3272
CMYK 94 0 48 0
RGB 0 165 155
HEX #00A59B
Colt Ash
Pantone n/a
CMYK 0 0 0 5
RGB 245 245 245
Colt Charcoal
Pantone 432
CMYK 15 15 15 75
RGB 72 74 71
HEX #484A47
Pantone n/a
CMYK 0 0 0 100
RGB 0 0 0
HEX #000000
Colour proportion
When creating a layout and employing the Colt colour palette, it is important to keep in mind the proportion of the brand colours you use. Colt teal or white should be the dominant colours in any layouts, followed by the other secondary colours. The graphic below is designed to show the relative colour proportions between the secondary and primary colours in a given layout.
Although individual pieces may vary, notice that the cumulative effect keeps the overall brand balance.

Stream graphic
The stream graphic has been created from our logo, and symbolises connection and performance. Powerful connection creates powerful experiences. The stream is created from our Colt logo so feels like an extension of our identity.
The stream graphic symbolises:
- Connections
- Connectivity
- Performance
- Data flow
- Energy
Creating the stream graphic
The stream graphic consists of a ‘line’, a ‘circle’, and a ‘ring’. These elements are set on a grid of 30 degrees from left to right – the direction and angle of this should never be changed.
The grid

A path on the grid

Colouring the stream graphic
When creating full colour stream graphics, you should use the primary and supporting colour palette, set to 100%, 60%, or 30% transparency. The transparency of the line, circle and ring should vary to create a sense of flow.
Using gradients for the stream graphic
The angle of the gradient should be set to 30°, it should only be made up of a Colt primary or secondary colour and white. The primary or secondary colour should be set to 100% opacity and White should be at 0% opacity.

Using photography with the stream graphic
There are 3 ways to combine photography and the stream graphic:
- The stream graphic can be used over full bleed photography. The colour and the position of the stream graphic should complement the photography. Ensure the stream graphic does not cover faces, or any other important features in the image.
- Subject matter can be cut out and stream graphic overlaid as per the first treatment. We recommend using black and white photography when using multiple colour graphic overlays.
- Imagery can be set within a stream shape (excluding the ring) and used at a larger scale. This is the only time it can be used at a larger scale than the coloured stream graphics.

Only two types of transparencies should be used, either Normal or Multiply.

Alt text for accessibility
Alt = " "
Alternative text for the stream graphic should either be marked as "decorative" in document alt text editors or left with an empty alt attribute "" in web pages.
What not to do
When creating a new stream graphic composition do not:
- Leave out the use of Colt Teal
- Use the stream graphic in transparencies other than 100%, 60%, 30%
- Obscure the focal point in imagery
- Change the direction of the lines

Primary photography
When selecting photography it should be:
- Positive, friendly, and energetic
- Authentic, not posed or obviously staged
- Reflective of genuine connections and engagement
- Inclusive of a diverse range of people
Our photography style is:
- Bright and fresh, using natural light as much as possible
- Complementary to our colour palette
- Uncluttered with a sense of space
- Slightly desaturated to feel more authentic

Supporting photography
There are times when more descriptive and functional supporting images are required, these should only be used at lower levels, such as within a document to support content or in lower level modules on a website.
These photographs should also follow our photography style:
- Bright and fresh, using natural light as much as possible
- Complementary to our colour palette
- Uncluttered with a sense of space
- Slightly desaturated to feel more authentic

What not to do
Do not use photography that:
- Is overly conceptual and cliché
- Lacks a clear purpose and focus
- Is overly posed
- Is a poor composition or badly cropped
- Is of poor quality or pixelated
- Shows disengaged people

We have an extensive icon library that has been produced with lots of people across the business, so we should have something to meet your needs.
Please do:
- use icons in appropriate places to illustrate content in the adjacent paragraph
- keep consistent heights for each icon
- use consistent clear space around the icon
Please don't
- edit or alter the icons
- overlap icons with text
- over-use the icons in one context
Can't find what you need?
If there is something you need but cannot find, or if you have a new requirement, then please contact the Brand Team. We manage the icon library centrally so we can limit duplication. This way we can make sure everyone is using our icons correctly, repeatedly and consistently. We regularly check with the business to see if there are new icon needs, so if you want to be consulted about icons please drop us a note.
Brand assets
In our brand asset files section you will find download options for our assets, icons, tone of voice guidelines etc. This section is reserved for agencies and partners, and so is password protected. To view it please follow the link below and enter the password when prompted.
If you have forgotten the password, or would like to request access, please contact [email protected].
Brand messaging
This content is password protected. To view it please follow the link below and enter the password when prompted.
Tone of voice
This content is password protected. To view it please follow the link below and enter the password when prompted.
Website / UX
At Colt, our digital presence, and therefore our brand, encapsulates a wide range of tools and systems, from our corporate website, to Colt Online, to our careers site and many more.
Because of this, it is important we maintain a consistent brand identity across all of our web assets. These guidelines aim to help you remain consistent to that identity.
Video guidelines
The Colt video guidelines are to enable our internal and external stakeholders to express our company brand and values in a consistent way.
Scroll down to find our video guidelines for animation.
Our videos strike the balance between business and people. We avoid stock footage where possible, incorporating Colt staff and adding animated text to highlight key messages and bring the video to life. Bright backgrounds and light colour grading mean our videos come across and warm and friendly.
How to open a video
Including an opening slide or logo is optional. In certain circumstances you might need to open with a Colt logo (such as for a conference video). Please use the logo guidelines when creating this kind of video opener.
Lower thirds
Lower thirds are used to introduce the speaker in the video. In order to keep the lower thirds in line with the overall branding, use a Colt Dusk coloured box with white text in the brand font.
The name of the speaker is stated in the first row. In the second line we suggest stating the job role of the speaker using a smaller size font, please refer to the typography guidelines.
The position of the lower thirds depends on the way the speaker is facing (right of left). On a wide shot, it should be positioned with some distance from the side and the bottom of the frame. On a tight shot, the lower thirds should be positioned in the corner bordering with the side and the bottom of the frame. Watch this video for an example.
Our logo is our most important brand element so we are very careful with how we use it. Our logo can be positioned - ranged far left, ranged far right, and at the top or the bottom of the screen. We recommend the ranged left logo is used digitally and remains on-screen throughout video. The logo should only ever be one full colour; white, black or Colt teal. The logo should never be stretched or distorted and must retain an exclusion zone around it. We use the 'o' in our logo to help us determine the size of the exclusion zone see main logo guidelines for more details.
Videos should use real people talking off-camera in colour. This should be done against a real or photograph background or a plain white background. If imagery is required, as per our imagery guidelines, photography and/or icons should be used. Photography must always reflect our Colt brand book where possible; what we do, where we do it, who for/us. Headings can be placed over video as long as they are clear and easy to read in the Colt font Gotham/Arial.
Stock footage
People videos should include Colt people. Please ask to use our bank of Colt stock videos. Talking head videos should also feature stock footage relevant to who we are and where we are based - our offices and environment.
Our icons are one-dimensional representations of concepts. You can use any of the colours from the Colt brand palette where appropriate and use any icons from the icon library.
Text should be in Gotham bold for headings and Gotham medium for body copy. If these fonts are not available then Arial can be used. To make sure the text is readable, use high contrast and don’t use white text on bright backgrounds (such as yellow and bright teal) or vice versa. For more guidelines please refer to typography in the main brand guidelines.
Call-out boxes
If call-out boxes are being used, they should be a single block Colt colour with no gradients, shadows or textures. For customer references a call-out box should show with 'Customer case study' with another call-out box directly underneath with the customer name. To make sure the text is readable, use high contrast and don’t use white text on bright backgrounds (such as yellow and bright teal) or vice versa.
All motion graphic elements should be created in line with the overall branding guidelines, using primarily brand colours and for kinetic typography the Colt brand fonts.
Co-branding in videos
When it comes to Co-branding in videos, the branding elements are usually kept in the same way as they would be in a regular Colt video. The only difference is that on the opening screen both logos appear at the same time in the centre of the screen, Colt logo left, the other logo next to it on the right.
Concluding a video
Access our brand asset files to find the animated logo that should be used at the end of Colt animations.
Don't forget to add a call to action to close your video.
Video animation guidelines
These guidelines are a reference point for our visual identity that can be used by illustrators and animators during the design process for video animation.
They help animations feel like a Colt animation while also enabling creativity.
Components for animation guidelines:
- Philosophy
- Colour
- Typography
- Iconography
- Illustration
- Characters
- Motion
- Voiceover
- Music
- Sound effects
We know that Colt’s personality is friendly, knowledgeable and brave. We also know the purpose, value and vision - but how do we communicate that in our animations?
These philosophy statements help animators understand the overarching style and tone of Colt videos. They should guide you in creating clear, simple and on-message animations.
Clarity - A simple, well-executed idea can work well. As Colt products are technical and complex, animation should be kept simple and clear, delivering a straightforward, meaningful and memorable message.
Pace - Move quickly but clearly through the message.
Friendly - Animations are there to advise viewers from our knowledgeable viewpoint. We offer friendly advice not a hard sell.
Engaging - Hook the audience from the opening lines and keep their attention throughout. Avoid any repetition of information.
Precise - Our products are technical so our animations should reflect that. Objects should move in a way that reflects our precision and attention to detail.
Coherence - Make sure animation doesn’t compete with narration and sound effects.
The Colt colour palette can be found here.
For kinetic typography please use the Colt brand fonts.
Animating the logo
Opening an animated video:
Including an opening slide or logo is optional. In certain circumstances you might need to open with a Colt logo (such as for a conference video). This should be included in the brief to the animator so they know how to integrate the logo with the music track.
Closing an animated video:
Access our brand asset files to find the animated logo that should be used at the end of Colt animations.
When using the Colt logo within an animation, please make sure it only appears in the Colt teal. If the Colt teal logo isn’t suitable for the background, you can use black or white - no other colours can be used for the logo.
Please don’t put drop shadows, outlines or any other coloured text behind the logo. Make sure there is equal space around the logo.
For more guidance on our logo, see the rules here.
Several animations have been created using the coloured line style of the Colt icon pack. These animations are set against white backgrounds with plenty of negative space where coloured lines form icons and symbols relating to the script.
For specific guidance on our icons, check out the main section within the brand guidelines.
Remember each icon represents a specific concept, so please only use it to convey its original meaning to avoid confusion.
New icons can be created but please send them to the brand team so we know what the specific meaning of each icon is. When creating new icons please keep in mind the philosophies of clarity, precision and coherence.

Animating the stream graphic
The stream graphic is a tool that can be used to distinguish Colt animations. Along with the animated logo these visual tools enable consistency across different styles of animation.
The stream graphic can be used at different scales. When using the stream graphic with the logo, make sure there is equal space around the logo.
Please see the full guidelines on correct use here.
Colt’s illustration style follows the principles of clarity, precision and coherence and takes inspiration from our friendly, knowledgeable and brave tone of voice. The stream graphic is evoked wherever possible in the colours, shapes and use of whitespace.
Because we don’t wish to restrain creativity, the style of illustration can differ for each animation depending on the audience and tone of the specific animation, but please take a look at previous Colt animations and consider the rest of this guidelines document before producing style frames for consideration.
Note the predominant use of teal and white space and how the stream graphic is brought into the illustration:

Considering the message that you need to communicate and the story that you need to tell, you may want to use characters in the animation.
We don’t want to define what a Colt character looks like because different use cases will have different requirements for characters. Some may need to be expressive and show emotion with human characteristics. Others may be abstract shapes that are imbued with human-like characteristics. The world that they inhabit needs to be recognisably Colt and characters need to have teal included so they feel like the Colt brand.
The way things move within an animation can be indicative of a brand’s personality.
Objects in Colt animations tend to move with speed and consistency. Generally, animations are quite fast paced because we’re talking to an educated audience with short attention spans.
Motion is smooth and fluid, rather than disjointed or angular. Objects start slowly and then move quickly to give a fluidity to the animation.
Once in position, they land precisely, with not too much ‘bounce’ - An example would be in the Hybrid Workforce animation, when the three red characters first appear on screen, there’s a small amount of motion bounce before they settle.
Keep in mind the philosophy of pace, moving quickly and clearly through the message, and keep the animation engaging, grabbing people from the start with motion that will encourage them to stop scrolling their social feeds.
Our brave and friendly personality, coupled with our bright and colourful stream graphic, means that we can create fun animations that feel positive and uplifting whilst retaining the professionalism of a large tech company.
The selection of voiceover artists can significantly change the tone and style of an animation.
During the selection process of a voiceover artist, the brand personality should be kept in mind, meaning that voiceover artists should be able to deliver a reading that sounds knowledgeable, friendly and brave.
Music is similarly impactful on the way an audience receives a video.
Take this track as an example:
It’s upbeat, heartwarming and inspiring. This is a good reference point for the selection of music tracks.
Colt tracks should sound different to usual bland corporate music. We want tracks that feel modern, global and with a pace that suits the animation style.
Don’t forget that Colt is a global organisation and the music used in animations need to reflect this. The above example track, despite having vocals in English, still has good cross cultural suitability. Referring back to our core philosophy of clarity, vocal tracks may not work for animations with voiceover because there may be a clash, so instrumentals will be favoured. However, rather than opting for a generic corporate track that would work for any video, try to find a track with energy, momentum and cross-cultural suitability. The track should suit the message of the film along with the brand tone of voice.
Sound effects
Sound effects should be swayed towards realism and used to ground the viewer within the world that the animation is taking place in. This will help to avoid sound effects that are too ‘cartoonish’.
Remember the philosophy points about clarity and coherence to make sure that the sound effects do not compete with the dialogue to confuse the main message.
A note about consistency
If an animation is intended as part of a series of videos, then all videos should have the same style. For example, product videos on the website should have visual consistency and be considered as part of a campaign.
Some graphics may be locked for use in a specific campaign (for example, an internal event) and cannot be used across the business outside of that campaign, so please check with the design team before using any graphics from animations.
Your checklist: what makes a Colt animated video?
- Use of whitespace
- Make sure there is teal used as a primary colour
- Use the stream graphic
- Use the closing Colt animation
- Fluid but precise motion
- A friendly but knowledgeable tone for the voiceover
- Music that’s relevant for a global audience
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) guidelines
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) refers to our overarching framework and approach, as well as the team that delivers this. Underneath this, Colt have several core initiatives that sit within ESG. These are:
- Community
- Governance
- Inclusion and Diversity
- Environmental sustainability
Our ESG approach has a visual identity and messaging that we use to bring it to life. You can find the guidelines on how to use this here.
If you have any questions about our ESG approach you can contact:
Kelsey Hopkinson - VP, ESG
Branded merchandise should comply with the guidelines in this brand book. Here are some examples. If you need any artwork approving for a new branded item, or contact details for our supplier, please contact [email protected].

Frequently asked questions
The Colt logo can be used in teal, black and white only. It’s primarily used with in Colt teal on a white background. A black logo should be used when the Colt teal logo cannot be used, for example in black and white printing. A white logo can be used on a background in any of the Colt colours.
If the application you are using does not allow Gotham font, use Arial instead. Make sure it's Arial and not Arial Black. If you are using this on a web portal, please use Montserrat, or Meiryo UI for Japanese.
You can view the colour palette here.
HEX #00D7BD. View the Pantone, CMYK and RGB formats here.
The Colt Stream graphic is a visual element that makes up a key part of our brand assets. Unique to our brand, it’s made from the Colt logo and symbolises connectivity and performance.
Have a question?
Have a question about something not mentioned in any of our brand guidelines? Send us a question via email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.