2024 Paris Olympics & Paralympics


The Paris 2024 Olympic Games will be held in France between 26th July and 11th August 2024. For several years, France has been diligently working to ensure a smooth experience for the millions of visitors expected to attend the Games. This includes ensuring the smooth operation of communications, transport and accommodation infrastructure. 

During the games, we expect roads and areas to be closed off and access will be highly restricted. We are working closely with the relevant authorities to understand and minimise any potential impact. 

Our teams boast many years' experience of handling major events like the Olympics. We have well-established processes in place, which include collaborating with local authorities to manage access rights and provide support in case of disruption. 

Our top priority remains delivering exceptional service to our customers, guaranteeing the best possible experience during this significant event. 

For customers with current or planned services in the host cities, we will be in touch directly should there be any impact to you. You can find details on the Olympic host venues here https://olympics.com/fr/paris-2024/sites 

We will provide regular updates as more information becomes available and you can find more information in the FAQ below.  

Should you have any questions please contact your account manager in the first instance.    

We don’t anticipate any impact to business as usual services as a result of the Olympics.

In the event of an outage, we will work through our normal incident management process. If there are access issues we will let you know as soon as possible and what this means for timescales.

Our Flexible First policy means that many of our people are used to working remotely already. This will remain in place throughout the Olympics for those who are able to work remotely.

The delivery of new services could be delayed if there are access restrictions in place. Your Colt team will advise you if this is the case.

Our infrastructure remains fully accessible, with the exception of certain designated areas hosting sports events. These locations have been identified and we have made all necessary preparations to ensure continued service excellence.

We have updated our plans and processes and have recent experience in managing our infrastructure through the Tokyo and London games.

Within Colt, a Crisis Management program is in place and a project group has been created to ensure service continuity and evaluate potential risk. Colt is in contact with authorities (prefecture de Paris, Mairie de Paris, Paris 2024), working with civil, fibre and field teams as well as third parties to avoid any potential impact.

Please reach out to our support team as usual. Our incident management system has been operational for many years and is implemented across various countries. It has been effectively utilised during major events and we have experience of previous Olympics games in Colt cities.

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