I joined Colt’s CSR Committee in India four years ago. I find helping others rewarding and it also gives me perspective. It is easy to get bogged down in day to day life. When you go out and perform actions of kindness, it changes your thought process and makes you realise what else is important.
That perspective has been particularly vital recently. As well as working with our existing charity partners, we’ve also donated to the Haryana state government fund campaign, providing over 600 item of PPE for COVID-19 support staff. We’re continuing to run a campaign asking employees to donate to the government fund through the salary deduction scheme: over 160 employees opted to do this so far, donating a total of 4,500 plus Euros.
As a society, we always focus on our physical health: making sure we eat the right food and exercise. It’s the same with mental health. We have to ask ourselves, are we putting our thoughts in the right direction? Are we able to be positive? Being part of the CSR Committee helps with this mindset. What I like about CSR at Colt India is that it is not only just about donating money to charity, we engage employees and creating a value chain of good work. Seeing the beneficial impact of our work energises us.
Chander Sharma | Associate Senior Manager, Finance – FP&A | Gurgaon