PrizmNet Provider – emagine Time Suite : “Time-as-a-Service” (TaaS)

Published by Colt Technology Services on April 4, 2024

Enterprise-wide Clock Synchronization for Financial Regulations and Payment Service Directive compliance

emagine’s Time Suite solution has been implemented at investment banks, asset managers, broker-dealers, prop trading firms and many other financial institutions across asset classes to demonstrate compliance with the end-to-end timestamping, UTC traceability and audit trail requirements of:

  • MiFID II RTS 25 / IIROC “Order Protection Rule” (“OPR”)
  • The SEC Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT), also known as Rule 613 or the CAT NMS Plan
  • Other standards, regulations and directives, such as the revised European Payment Services Directive (PSD2)

Time Suite enables firms to distribute synchronised Time-as-a-Service to up to several tens of thousands of devices across multiple DCs and regions (EMEA, US/CAN, APAC) based on the hyper-accuracy of atomic grandmaster clocks, automatically correcting for latency through to the application level, the point of decision to deal.

Time Suite is an affordable, resilient and easy-to-implement alternative to buying, hosting and managing your own time-keeping equipment. emagine, a Colt PrizmNet partner, hosts and manages Time Suite and delivers it as a service — you don’t need any specialist time skills to use it. Unlike other timestamping solutions, Time Suite includes a real-time web portal that lets you monitor performance, receive automated alerts including via e-mail and generate granular on-demand reports that meet the regulators’ requirements. You’ll also have all the data insights you need to support marketing to clients, and to act as a robust defence against any potential corporate disputes.


“emagine partners with Colt PrizmNet to offer customers worldwide a non-intrusive way to connect locally to Time Suite “as-a-Service” for regulatory compliant timestamping accuracy and UTC traceability. The Colt financial extranet provides a stable access solution with consistent low latencies that take away the variables in time delivery.”

Jean-Francois Bodin, CEO, emagine Group


For emagine:
UK Marketing Head: [email protected] 

About Colt PrizmNet
The Colt PrizmNet financial extranet, connects a global capital markets ecosystem of 100+ exchanges, venues and service providers; and 10,000+ participants. For more information about Colt PrizmNet, please visit or contact [email protected].


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