Delivery Experience

Knowledge Centre


Delivery Experience

On Demand ports can be delivered in near real-time in locations with pre-built capacity (typically larger data centres) or via a physical capacity build (typically enterprise buildings).

Once port capacity has been established, On Demand circuit connections are provided in near real-time, using SDN automation.

Where a physical capacity build is required, this typically takes 30 working days (existing PoP site) or 35 days (new PoP site).

Port capacity available at both A and B end sites (existing or new ports) Services can be delivered in real time
Port capacity not available at one or both A/B end locations Colt delivery team will build new port capacity in ~30 working days. Once port capacity is available, circuit connections can be delivered in real time
New location (site) required at enterprise building or data centre Colt delivery team will build new physical location, including new port capacity in ~35 working days. Once port capacity is available, circuit connections can be delivered in real time
API-enabled cloud port Real time delivery at cloud end
Dedicated cloud port (e.g. AWS) Fibre cross connect delivered in ~ 10 working days. Services will be delivered once data centre operator has delivered fibre cross connect

Where capacity is not available for real time delivery (scenario 2 above), the port will appear as a grey plus symbol in port request page and the On Demand port order will trigger a request to Colt’s delivery team for new capacity to be built. The request will appear as “in progress” until the Colt delivery team have completed the new capacity build.

The experience for Amazon dedicated ports is similar to a new capacity request – the port will appear “in progress” until the physical cross connect to AWS is complete.

Customers are required to provide site contact details, as per the standard Colt process which also includes the option to request installation out-of-hours for a small additional charge.


Similarly, a new physical PoP site within an enterprise building or data centre (scenario 3 above) can be requested via the On Demand portal during the enablement of a new port.

Order tracking

Colt’s On Demand platform is integrated with Colt’s Order Management system accessed via Colt Online, and orders that require a physical capacity build can be tracked in this way.

The “detailed tracking” link under the “Activity” page links directly to the order in Colt Online.

Detailed tracking

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